Monday, December 15, 2008

A Real Entry

I know I've been sort of a broken record lately, but I have been so busy it's hard to sit down at the computer and organize my thoughts. So now I am sitting at work at Robot Love and it is very slow, so I have been thinking a lot about the things I wish to do and accomplish and what everyone can buy me for Christmas! Hurray!

Things you can legitimately purchase for me for Christmas that aren't a Kitchenaid Mixer:

- Susan Sontag's new published journals, Reborn: Journals and Notebooks, 1947–1963. She was always an intriguing character for me and I really enjoy her work. I need new books anyways, so hey! Here's a good one!

- Vintage wallpaper. I want to wallpaper my new apartment since my landlord doesn't care what we do to the walls. I guess he feels it adds property value to the apartment. Fuck yeah! I want to do something really silly from the 40s or 50s. Maybe a few different ones.

- Vintage/really awesome fabric. I want to reupholster my love seat because, frankly, after many years of dogs and cats and humans hanging out on it, it looks like garbage. But I like the shape of it, and think it just needs a really cool face lift.

- Cook books. Preferably baking, vegetarian or Japanese cook books. Those are my favorites. Cupcake cook books are always appreciated.

- Shelves! And a new dining room table! And a cute new desk! Vintage please. Especially if I can paint or stain it myself. I love that ish. I need shelves for all of my awesome toys.

- Art prints or posters. I love art. I want more in my house.

- Screens. Like big changing screens. That I can put around my bed. With cheesy Japanese art on them. Like cranes and stuff. I'm not sure what the technical term for those is...but I want some.

- Gift cards to Micheal's, Ikea, Target, American Apparel, Urban Outfitters, Robot Love, or Cliche. I don't really like gift cards, but I am poor and I like all of these stores and I need things from Micheal's and Ikea especially. So help a girl out, man!

So there are some sensible suggestions I suppose. I'm ready to make the new apartment as mine as possible and not ever have to ask for permission from any room mate to do anything. I know I've been saying that over and over but cripes, I can't wait to be able to tear apart my apartment when I'm working on a project, leave my dishes for a day, rearrange whenever I want and not have to answer to anyone but myself and The Fish. But she'll be psyched on whatever I want prollyably. Alright!

I think I'm going to start rearranging everything tonight and probably FINALLY be able to sleep at the new place. Yay! Yay new place! Yay own apartment! Yay everything! Except the cold. No yay for the cold.

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