Friday, April 24, 2009

Where to end/Where to begin

I have this problem.

I feel too old and too young at the same time.

I'm the most mature immature person I've ever met. I love hula hooping and jump ropes and roller skates, dancing in the street, singing at the top of my lungs, running around screaming.

But I feel like I can't relate to people. Not in a condescending way, but like there's something I just don't get most of the time.

I feel like I don't entirely fit in anywhere, but that I fit in everywhere. Does that make sense?

My brain hurts today. Too much thought, not enough action.

I need 3 things today:
- An apple
- Reassurance
- Friendship

Granted, I'm not sad or upset. I'm not feeling bad for myself. I'm just curious and a little confused. Although, I did recently stop taking my anxiety medication against my better judgement. But 50$ a month is just too much for me. Sorry pharmaceutical industry, but I'm just a poor little college girl. Relying on medication isn't really my banner jam anyways. But I would really like to level out instead of feeling anxious and knowing it's completely ridiculous. That's the funny thing about my anxiety, is I completely understand and recognize it, but no matter how I talk myself out of it, it doesn't ever really work. And then it will just disappear all of a sudden. It's really frustrating.

I wish I could shut myself off. I like it better when I can just roll with everything. So does everyone else I'm pretty sure.

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