Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Food Network

I seriously think if I had cable, I would just watch the Food Network and never ever leave. I wish I could learn everything about cooking.

I started taking Lexapro. I've felt like a zombie for the last two days because of it. It takes about 2 weeks for your body to get used to it I guess, but I really hope it goes much faster than that. I can barely use my brain. It's so annoying.

Paula Deen is the best. She always talks about quantity when she talks about food. "The cookies don't have very many calories so you can eat like 6 of 'em ya'll!" So good. I also love when she reacts to her own food with shock that it tastes good.

Also she just said "I FEEL LIKE I'M IN ASIA YA'LL!" Goddamn.

I got my computer back but it doesn't even feel like mine. I wish I would have just had to buy a new one. Now that I have my old one and everything is gone from it I'm just like angry at my computer for crashing. I suppose it will pass, but I'm just really bummed out right now. Ugh. No music, no programs, no bookmarks even. All my recipes...ugh. Whatever.

Alison, Derek and I are going to make food I guess. I just want a nap.

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