Friday, October 17, 2008

Don't Take It Personally...

I'm sort of a tough broad.
Or at least that's what I'm told.

I'm pretty laid back, I don't care about much, I don't get into peoples drama for any other reason but to laugh at it, and for the most part, I keep to myself. I don't cry a lot. I don't mind if people don't like me (I figure it's usually with good reason OR I probably don't want to be their friend anyways if there is no reason). I don't usually get my feelings hurt (if you have an insult for me, I've probably heard it from 1000 other people. I get it. I suck).

But there are some times, and some people, that just really get under my skin. Things that scathe worse than any thing else.

I'm gonna get a little personal here.
You probably shouldn't read this.

I was basically told to leave last night. I understood, because he had homework and was crabby and what not. However. It was the way that it happened.

I waited all day to see him for 10 minutes. He didn't kiss me when I came in. He barely looked at me the whole time. Then said I wouldn't see him until probably Tuesday and said I should probably go. Then he begrudgingly got up to hug me goodbye only after I asked.

So yeah. I got in my car and I cried. I bawled. It really hurt. I felt like I was absolutely being dismissed.

So now I don't really know how to feel. It hurt a lot. And I don't know if it was just because he was upset and stressed or whatever. It hurt. And I need to vent about it.

I mean... seriously? What do I do wrong? That's how I feel right now. It was searing. Honestly. I barely see him anymore because we're both so busy and when I do see him for a brief moment that's how I get treated?

So what does this mean? Is that it? See you later?

My heart is in my stomach today. I just don't feel right.


Niki Burger said...

Don't worry, he's just a Virgo. He needs his alone time more than most people, and he doesn't know how to control his emotions!

Jme said...

But he's a taurus!

Niki Burger said...

Oh! Well fuck.