Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Fairy Godmother Plz?

The dress I had planned on wearing to the Black and White Artist's Ball this year, surprise, doesn't fit over my gigantic ribcage. Honestly. My ribs are bigger than my waist. I don't know what to do now. I have like...tonight to go shopping and that is absolutely it. FUXXXXXXX.

I'm just going to have to raid the mall on fucking super speed. I don't even know where to start looking. GAH. I hate being crunched for time I H8 it even.

PLUS I don't even have shoes! I am going to drive Cat and Danny crazy tonight when we go shopping.


I'm going to end up just buying a dress from American Appy and sluttin' it up, I just know it.

Also, Chris, I hope you got YSL black lip gloss.

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