Monday, October 20, 2008

It's happening.

It's that time of year again where I find my concentration skills waning. Seasonal depression kicks in, I lay in bed for far too long, my motivation doesn't exist and I start falling behind in school.


I need to hide this week. I need to work. I can't play. I'm sorry.

Today I have a lot to accomplish.

2-3 assignments for marketing, 2-3 assignments for Vis studio, Meeting and work on our midterm review for Bio sys, AND...God I don't even know what else for digital marketing. Thank fuck I have no homework in project tracking this week or I would for sure be shooting myself for taking the weekend off.

I hate myself sometimes.


Derek said...

I love you sometimes. (in a non-creepy, strictly-plutonic kinda way)

innovative_edge said...

Jamie! I just psychically sent you extra super powers. Now you can jump over buildings, do homework at the speed of light, and consistently bowl a 300 and I'll tell you. The bowling alley won't be the only thing that's glowing cosmic. You just don't know it yet, but I promise. You'll feel it in like 2 seconds!

Jme said...

Hahaha JAKE! You are the best!